If you are new to internet marketing, you may be wondering if it is possible to create an income when you are so fresh from the starting gates. You absolutely can make an internet income before your business becomes profitable or you have your own product with Affiliate Marketing. This is how it works?
1. Write your email so it tells a story and that story leads into the product.
2.Tell your list about your experience with the product and how it has benefited you.
3.Make sure you include your affiliate link in the email. Three times seems to be the magic number for affiliate links within an email.
4.If you only promote good products that relate to your list, they will come to trust your recommendations.
OK, you?re thinking, I?m a new Internet Marketer, I don?t have a list. Then you need to work on that. There are resources out there that can help you with that, like the Email Magic free 30 day list building course. Make list building your #1 priority. But never fear, you can still make money with Affiliate Marketing while you are growing your list. That?s right, despite what the gurus tell you, you don?t have to have a huge list to make money online. A small list of buyers is wirth much more than a huge list of non-buyers. Right? I learned that from Connie Ragan Green aka the Marketing Madwoman She taught me to treat the list you have like gold, be authentic and show integrity. They?ll buy from you if you do.
Social Media Marketing is another great way to make money with other people?s products. The same principles apply. Show your networks you are someone trustworthy with integrity, only promote what you believe in and add value to what you promote. Don?t blast your product links all over, but let people know you are there to help. Build relationships, communicate, converse. Let others get to know you.
Aweber gives you a direct link to your email marketing broadcasts so you can tweet or post those links for others to read the same promotional emails you send to your list. The internet income potential is limitless even if you never have your own products. Be creative, helpful and be a benefit to others. Learn from others more successful than you. Be an internet marketer with integrity and you will succeed.
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