Thursday, April 19, 2012

MoveInsure Aims To Be Esurance For The Moving Industry

Screen shot 2012-04-17 at 5.30.01 PMBelieve it or not, 37 million Americans, or about 16 million households, pick up and move every year. Depending on whom you ask, we move as frequently as once every three years. Yes, moving is a part of life, albeit a stressful and emotional one. Unsurprisingly, the many services and operations that go into household moves have collectively come to represent a sizable industry. If you take transportation, warehousing and storage, packaging, processing, distribution, and logistics into account, industry revenues total more than $16.5 billion annually. The problem, however, is that the moving industry is rife with legacy systems and is dominated by a fragmented group of players, so a startup called MoveInsure has set out to streamline communication between those players and bring efficiency and automation to moving transactions, aiming to be the Esurance for the moving industry.

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